Version 4.0b6 - 11/9/96 (released to general public) -
IMPORTANT: Changed format of Settings Files very slightly. If you used the "Synchronize Special Folders" option, you should check these settings again.
Added options for what to do when finished auto-synchronizing a Settings File: (1) Do nothing, (2) Close current Settings File, (3) Quit MacUpdate, (4) Open another document or program, and (5) Shutdown the system.
Added ability to process locked files. After processing a locked file, one of 3 things can be configured to occur: (1) re-lock the file, (2) leave the file un-locked, or (3) make the file's lock status the same as the source file from which it was updated. Additional options include "Ignore" locked files, and ask what to do.
To accomodate the above options, the Pair and Loner Settings Dialog no longer has a "Criteria" button. Instead, it has a "Settings" button which opens a new window for the additional settings. The Other Settings Dialog now has the "Criteria" button.
Added rudimentary Log File capabilities so you can save a history of what MacUpdate did. A Log File typically has the same name as the Settings File with "Log" added to the end of the file name. There is an option to overwrite or append to a Log File, or to create a unique name for the Log File based on a timestamp.
All error messages (where possible and applicable) now include the name of the item that was being processed when the error occured.
Added an option to run in Quiet Mode. This mode supresses all error messages (especially useful for completely unattended automatic operation). If you use this option, you should probably maintain a log file (see above), and check it periodically to make sure everything is proceeding as expected. Note that questions about what to do with Loners are not suppressed. To supress Loner questions, configure Loners to be ignored. The Quiet Mode setting is in the Synchronization Settings Dialog for the document.
Updated much of the documentation to reflect latest features.
Fixed a bug that caused wrong behavior and settings when "cancel" was chosen in the Pair and Loner Settings Dialog.
Fixed a bug that caused Pair Items in the Settings File Window to not get moved properly when control-dragging.
Fixed a bug that caused items on the "right side" to continue to be processed if an error occured with an item from the "left side", and the user chose to discontinue processing.
Fixed a bug when creating a destination file when the source file was locked. Now creates destination file properly, and locks the destination file.
Version 4.0b5 - 10/5/96 (released to general public) -
Added MUDControl and MUDDaemon. These are an Application Extension and "Control Panel" pair that can be used to make MacUpdate perform automatic synchronization at specified times and/or at specified intervals.
Sped up drawing of Pair Items (and full path) in Settings File Window.
Sped up drawing of"unknown"/generic icons in Preview/Compare Window.
Made Settings File Window automatically close after synchronizing if the "Synchronize All when Document is Opened" option is on.
Fixed a bug that caused the Pair and Loner Settings Dialog to sometimes not display the full path of a Pair Item, only the volume name.
Version 4.0b4 - 9/28/96 (released to general public) -
MacUpdate can now update Source file that are open. Used to be you couldn't Synchronize (for example) your System Folder because the OS had a bunch of files open in there (System, Finder, Fonts, Clipboard, Extensions, Preferences, etc.). Same with open (running) Applications. Note you still *cannot* update to a *destination* file that is open.
Implemented Preview and Compare commands under the Pairs menu. This command displays a Finder List-like view of the differences between a Pair of folders. You can use it to "Preview" a synchronization before actually comitting to updating files, or to do a "raw Compare" on the contents of two folders.
Because Preview and Compare are Memory Intensive, MacUpdate's memory requirements have been increased.
Pair Items displayed in a Settings File Window are now displayed with their full path.
Pair and Loner Settings Dialog now includes the zone name and server name in the full path for the Pair Items (if the Mac that MacUpdate is running on is on an AppleTalk Network).
Updated and added documentation. Added sections on the Preferences Dialog and the Preview/Compare Window.
Fixed a bug that caused MacUpdate to complain about files that were zero bytes long.
Fixed a bug that caused folders that contain custom icons not to be deleted, if the folder was a Loner and the Pair Item is configured to delete Destination Loners.
Version 4.0b3 - 9/25/96 (released to general public) -
Fixed a bug that caused some items in a Loner Folder to not be deleted when the "Delete Loners" option was on, Criteria was applied to Folders, and the Destination Pair Item met Criteria.
Version 4.0b2 - 9/24/96 (released to general public) -
While making a last-minute change to 4.0b1, a bug with the handling of folder criteria was inadvertently introduced. This has been fixed.
Version 4.0b1 - 9/23/96 (hopefully not released - had a bug. See above.) -
Total re-write -- new "foundation", and new synchronization and interface code.
FAT binary.
Now supports multiple pairs of files/folders to be synchronized, and multiple Settings Files Windows open.
Added support for criteria -- only files/folders that meet criteria are processed.
Made dealing with Loners interactive, instead of all-or-none.
Added support for Drag-and-Drop from the Finder directly to a Settings File Window.
Added more robust error checking, and dealing with OS-owned files and folders (VM Storage, Desktop, AppleShare PDS, etc.).
Added support for automatically mounting Source/Destination folders on network volumes.
Changed representation of "where" a Source or Destination is from a full path to a more standard Alias methodology.
Added icon-based graphical interface to set synchronization direction. Fixed many potential bugs and minor annoyances.
Version 3.6 - 4/15/96 (released to Delco Electronics) -
For the option of using a MUD Startup folder in the Startup Items folder, you can now specify whether to "Force Front" (Force MacUpdate to run in the front) after a specified number of delay seconds (suggest starting with 15 seconds). This configuration is done in the Auto Synchronize dialog. Note that MacUpdate will only force itself to the front ONCE after the specified delay seconds.
Version 3.5 - 9/1/95 (released to general public) -
This is mostly a maintenance release.
Fixed problem when updating folders that are more than "5 deep".
Fixed problem with creating/deleting folders (directories) on NetWare file servers.
Got rid of the outdated pardigm of Working Directories: now only PBH calls are used.
Version 3.3 - 3/16/94 (released to Delco Electronics) -
If you need MacUpdate to launch applications that it first needs to synchronize WHEN IT IS FINISHED UPDATING ON SYSTEM STARTUP, create a new folder inside of the Startup Items folder (in the System Folder) named "MUD Startup". Put any applications or aliases to applications you'd like MacUpdate to launch (run) (when it is finished updating) inside the MUD Startup folder. Note that this action ONLY occurs when AutoSynch at Startup is enabled, and the action only occurs after MacUpdate is finished AutoSynching at startup. Note also that ONLY applications ('APPL') and aliases to applications ('adrp') are launched. Desk Accessories are not launched, and folders are not opened.
Also added another option in the How to Synchronize dialog: Delete Original from Source. Basically, this accomplishes "Moving" files from one location to another. Note that only files that have been successfully updated to the destination are deleted from the source. Also note that folders do NOT get deleted.
Finally, you can set the sleep time when MacUpdate is in the background. A higher sleep time will give more yield to other processes running on the same Mac. A lower sleep time will give more priority to MacUpdate. Set the sleep time by choosing "Performance Tuning..." from the MacUpdate menu.
Version 3.2.5 - 5/25/93 (released to general public) -
This is mostly a maintenance release.
Fixed a "NIL Handle error" that occured when the Main Window is closed, and a settings file is opened.
MacUpdate no longer tries to update the Desktop DB and DF files. This behavior did not cause any damage, just a "Can't Update" error message ("file is in use").
MacUpdate now recognizes Norton Partitions.
Double clicking on a file now works exactly as you'd expect. (I think I finally implemented the ODOC Apple Event in the proper way)
Also added an option in the Report Setup... dialog to disable the display of any and all error alerts during the update process. Of course, use this option with caution!
Version 3.2.1 - 4/20/93 (released to Francois Lombard for test purposes) -
MacUpdate now runs from a locked floppy disk without constantly displaying the "disk is locked" (error -44) error alert.
Version 3.2 - 4/15/93 (released to general public) -
Version 3.2 has mostly interface improvements.
The How, What, When and Report buttons have been moved to the MacUpdate menu.
The Settings Files are now opened and saved via the File Menu.
This version also adds compatibility with AccessPC®, DOSMounter®, and Apple PC Exchange.
Also, the time/date should only and always be updated every 10 seconds.
This was pretty sporadic in version 3.1.5.
More redundancy was removed from the reports.
Finally, one potential printing bug was removed.
Version 3.1.5 - 3/27/93 (released to general public) -
3.1.5 adds a display of the current system date and time, as well as a dialog warning if a file is encountered with a modification date that is beyond the system's current date and time (March 6, 2033, for example). Thanks to Thomas A. Gallagher, Mac Utilities Forum on AOL for the idea of that fail-safe.
This version also fixes a few bugs.
Now you can safely overwrite a Settings File without the confusion of the file appearing twice in the popup menu.
Sometimes the volume names displayed at the top of the Setup Window did not get properly updated (especially noticeable with floppies). To my knowledge, this is now fixed as well.
Ahh, that brings us to -108 errors, out of memory. This is usually due to setting the copy buffer size beyond the Current memory Allocation of MacUpdate, or turning on Copy Verification. This is thoroughly explained in Troubleshooting: Memory Considerations (And we all read manuals, don't we?). Now, instead of displaying the error alert, MacUpdate will try for a smaller buffer size. This way, people who don't read Troubleshooting: Memory Considerations (most people, probably) won't be confounded by those pesky alerts... Of course, their copy buffer size may not be nearly as big as they expected, either. You just can't have a 2MB buffer, and run the program with a Current Allocation of 350K!
Finally, some of the redundancy was removed from the reports.
Version 3.1 - 1/22/93 (released to general public) -
3.1 adds an automatic bi-directional synchronization option in the "How to Synchronize" dialog. If this option is ON, the "Delete" option will be forced OFF. This eliminates the need to have to manually "swap" the source and destination, and now this process is truly automatic.
Additionally, The appearance of the Setup Window has been altered slightly.
Some of the documentation was revised.
Also, MacUpdate now displays the source and destination volume names at the top of the window.
The Enter key now works the same as Return in dialogs and alerts.
This version also fixes a problem with not properly saving a Settings File after clicking the "Swap Source & Dest" button.
Version 3.0.3 - 1/16/93 (released to general public) -
This version does not check the ResError function after opening a window, it only checks the validity of the WindowPtr. Some users with minimal system installations and Color QuickDraw saw the "-192 Resource Error: Resource Not Found" when windows were opened. Clicking on the 'Continue' button caused the program to continue with no further mishaps, but this error alert was pretty annoying. Essentially, this version removes the error alert by not checking for it (QuickDraw is robust enough to handle the drawing, even without the missing resource).
Also fixed a bug that caused error -42, too many files open. MacUpdate now closes a file immediately after updating it, instead of waiting until the end of the update process.
Also added an additional message to error alerts. This message will help me fix any future bugs or problems.
Increased the memory allocation size from 200K to 300K. MacUpdate is slowly growing!
Now checks for system version 6.0.5, and warns the user if an earlier system version is in use.
Made a few cosmetic changes to some dialogs and alerts.
Version 3.0.2 - 1/11/93 (released to general public) -
This version fixes a few bugs.
Now lets multiple-monitor users drag the windows off the main screen.
Fixes a copy verification error that showed up when verfying resource forks that existed, but had zero length.
Fixed a problem that sometimes showed up when restoring a Settings File. MacUpdate now keeps track of volumes by volume name, not just volume reference number, note that there will be problems if duplicate volume names are mounted on your desktop.
Also added an additional error string to error alerts.
Please note that MacUpdate ONLY WORKS WITH HFS Volumes, and most BERNOULLI DRIVES are NOT HFS volumes. Write to the manufacturer and ask them to develop an HFS Driver for their drive.
Version 3.0.1 - 1/2/93 (released to general public) -
Windows were being opened with GetNewCWindow, and this was causing "Unimplemented Trap" errors on non-Color QuickDraw machines like the PowerBook 100, Portable, and Mac Plus.
Added a check for Color QuickDraw, and, if CQD is not present, MacUpdate now calls GetNewWindow [notice, sans 'C'].
Version 3.0 - 12/25/92 (released to general public) -
Completely re-wrote MacUpdate.
Used a THINK® C shell application that I have been developing over the last 2 years which has many built-in features including help, rigorous error-checking, screen dimming, password protection, and many utility functions.
MacUpdate now features a MUCH friendlier (and UIG compliant!) user interface.
Source and destination directories can be specified by navigating through 2 Standard File-like lists.
Added control over what kinds of files to update.
Added ability to delete files not found in the source, but present in the destination.
Added copy verification option.
User now has control over the copy buffer size (but user may have to increase Finder's Get Info Memory allocation for MacUpdate).
Added flag to control whether or not sub-folders are scanned for updates.
Added Swap Destination with Source button.
Added reporting capabilities.
Changed progress dialog to a non-modal, moveable window.
Much better background response and performance.
More responsive cancellation features.
Added on-line help.
Added Synchronization Report capabilities.
Version 2.1.1 - 12/1/92 (released to limited public) -
Fixed a bug which caused files that have gotten smaller to keep all the extra characters in the "old version" beyond the new "end of file".
Apparently FSClose does not automatically set the new end of file.
Added two lines of code: SetEOF for the data fork, and SetEOF for the resource fork.
Sorry 'bout that! I used MacUpdate for 6 months before I even saw this problem.
I guess all of my files were getting bigger, and none were getting smaller.
Version 2.1 - 10/1/92 (released to general public) -
Added progress dialog.
Added ability to enter a path to the source in the setup dialog.
Added command-period to cancel processing.
Added a flag for whether or not to create files in the source not found in the destination.
Version 2.0 - 8/1/92 (not released) -
Added a setup dialog with options for background updating, updating on startup, and flags for whether or not to update applications.
Version 1.0 - 5/1/92 (not released) -
MacUpdate has no user-controllable features.
The destination directory is always the folder where MacUpdate is physically located; the source directory is always the root directory of a volume with the same name as MacUpdate's enclosing folder.